
Friday, November 30, 2012

Foodie Faves: My Sprinkles Cabinet

The holiday season has landed on my calendar with a thud. It’s not even December and already I’m knee-deep in Christmas cookies. But in this kitchen that I designed myself (at least mostly), the cookie-making and cookie-decorating are so much easier, I really look forward to the process.

Back in New Jersey, when I first got into the sprinkles mania, decorating cookies meant several trips down to the basement where I kept the box with my collection of cookie cutters and two more really large and heavy plastic bins for the sprinkles and icing. Halloween cookies – for which I have only half a dozen shapes and use little more than white and black and yellow and orange – required the same effort as Christmas cookies, for which I have nearly 20 shapes and use as many colors as I can manage.

Then one Christmas in the middle of the construction process, I sent a batch of cookies to my builders. They were wowed – naturally – and there ensued a discussion of where to store my vast and growing collection of cookie paraphernalia. The solution they came up with allows me to be the envy of all my cookie-baking friends.

In one wall of my kitchen is a door. Not an obvious door, and with a clever use of paint, we did what we could to make it disappear entirely. It’s held closed with a magnetic touch latch, and when you push on the door where the latch is, it opens to reveal this:

The cabinet is 28 inches across, and the shelves are 4 inches deep, which allows room for the cookie cutters to stick out from the pegboard. I keep spices on the lower shelves, and my sprinkles on the upper ones. The shelves have little ledges to keep the sprinkles and spices from sliding out onto the floor. And with such complete visibility and easy access, I can pull out just what I need in a matter of minutes. What fun!

Now I have to head back to my decorating station – notice the TV remote on the left-hand edge of the photo below. Friday isn’t a particularly good day for the mindless programming I prefer, but here in my office, I can hear the opening tones of the CSI theme, so it’s not a total bomb.

Enjoy the weekend!


  1. I am officially envious of your cookie making closet!

  2. I'll admit, it's very special. But I have to give most of the credit to the builders. Great guys!

  3. Thanks for commenting about my blog post on cookie cutters and baking cookies that Augusta Scattergood linked to her page. I love your baking closet organizer! Smart! See what creativity a batch of cookies can inspire!

    1. You're welcome, Linda. I was thrilled to see your post -- I was already working on a post about painting sugar cookies with my granddaughter, and now I have the perfect lead-in!
